Yogi Spotlight – Krista Gagnet
We wish we could insert Krista’s smile as her introduction. It’s a pretty great indicator of her personality! Kind of a coincidence that this month’s pose of the month at the studio is Wild Thing the same month that she’s in the spotlight. How perfect.
Krista started practicing yoga about a year and a half ago when she and her husband, Patrick, started talking about having baby number two. Krista and Patrick have been married for eight years now. “I wanted to be in the best health possible. I was working from home 75% of the time, with the other 25% working out of state, so I was also looking for a community and friends on the Northshore since we recently moved here”. They have a two and a half year old son, Greyson, who you can find peeking his face through the mail slot during Saturday morning’s Power Up class while waiting for Mommy-and-Me Little Yogis next door. “His headstand is better than mine, but I’m working on it! “
“Initially, I chose Bayou Yoga because of the 21 Day Challenge for $25 deal. I love a good deal and this gave me the opportunity to decide if yoga was the right fit for me. I instantly fell in love with the instructors, the variety and frequency of classes, and the challenge each practice brought to my life – both physically and mentally.”
(They say what you seek is seeking you. We’ve been equally blessed by the friendship and support she offered the community in return.)
“I love the way I feel when I walk into the studio and see familiar faces, knowing we are about to leave everything we have on the mat. There’s no judgement or pretenses from Tribe 985, only support and openness. Walking out of the studio feels even better, but not because class is over (ok, maybe once), but because I did something for myself that will extend into every other part of my life.”
It’s such an amazing feeling when discovering something you’re passionate about and are able to drive joy from.
“I have to be honest, some days, I’m just there for a good sweat and workout. I’ve dropped a few pounds since I’ve been practicing at BY, and I discovered muscles I never knew I had. I am addicted to the shaky legs when I’m in Crescent Pose, and I love the tightness in my muscles the day after a butt-kicking practice. I also have more energy – even when I wake up before 5am to sweat it out in a hot power yoga class while the rest of Mandeville is still sleeping, besides us warriors. But, on other days, the best days, my practice touches my soul.
Since I have been practicing, I am more patient and giving of myself to my family, friends and co-workers. Practicing yoga has made me shed the guilt I would feel for doing something just for myself. I feel stronger and more confident in being a badass woman, wife and momma.”
This reminds us of the importance of our mission to help you Empower Your Being:
through the physicality of our practice, we find access to our soul.
Just as Krista was searching for a community of likeminded folks around these parts, this community needed one of her. Krista’s story is truly serendipity at its best.