Empowered Eating

Empowered Eating

Mindful Eating

Have you ever mindlessly eaten a bag of crunchy, salty chips or fries?  What we eat is important, but also HOW we eat.  If you are rushing through your meals or eating on the go, then your body is unable to get the signal to start digestion or your digestion could be completely shutdown.

Imagine driving through traffic while trying to scarf down a hamburger while yelling at someone that just cut you off.  That amount of stress from the driving and the traffic will switch your body into flight or flight mode, so digestion is the last thing your body wants to do while you are in this stressful state.  For optimal digestion, you must be in a relaxed state.  During your next meal, relax, take a few deep breathes and pay attention your food. Chew slowly and see if you are enjoying what you are eating and stop when you feel satisfied.  This trick helps for mindlessly overeating food and also helps optimize your digestion so that you can properly absorb the food you are eating.

Check out Sandi’s next workshop on Friday, April 26th at 2pm for Healthy and Quick Breakfast Ideas with food samples.