Empowered Eating
If you’ve been following Sandi on social media, you’ll know that she’s been taking this meal planning thing pretty seriously. Here’s what Sandi has to say:
Cook Once Eat All Week is an amazing new meal prep method by Cassy Joy Garcia of Fed and Fit. This new meal prep method combines one bulk protein, one bulk vegetable and one bulk starch into 3 different meals for the week. I started using it when I was 1 month postpartum and I had run out of my freezer meal stash. It has saved me a lot of time and money. It has also gotten me out of a rut of cooking the same old stuff and I’ve tried some yummy new and healthy recipes. The recipes are simple and delicious, and they are great for picky eaters since you are prepping the different components of each meal and if someone doesn’t want them combined you can keep them separate.
Give it a try & be sure to let us know how it working out for you!
Get your copy here (affiliate link): https://amzn.to/2Dw9uh9
Visit Cassy’s website: https://fedandfit.com/
Or follow her on Instagram @fedandfit